Nov 8, 2010

SARATOGA CLOSETS wants to know: "What’s keeping you from getting your closet organized?"

Step 1: Assess Your Big Obstacles
Are your shoes overtaking the space? Try a hanging-shoe rack or over-the-door organizer. Do your clothes overcrowd? Thinner hangers create space so you can find things easier. Feeling rushed each morning? Dividing shirts, dresses, jeans, etc. bring a sense of order and saves time. Solving your biggest problem will motivate you to create the closet of your dreams.

Step 2: Take An Hour
Scheduling just 60 minutes a week can really make a dent in your overstuffed, cluttered closet. Can't spare that much? Try two half-hour sessions.

Step 3: Start from Scratch
Take everything (yes, everything) out of your closet. If you don't remove it all, chances are the same unworn clothes will be moved around the closet. Now it's time to sort. Throw out old and damaged clothing. Donate what you don't need or don't wear.

Step 4: Out with the Odd
Remove items that have no business in your closet. Bank statements, insurance information, or tax documents don't belong next to your shoes, scarves, and sweaters.

Step 5: Organize in Sections
Designate a place for everything in your closet. Shoes in one place, sweaters in another, and so on. This will help you keep order and save you time each morning. Make smart use of the space. Installing shelves will double your storage and help sweaters and t-shirts keep their shape better.

Step 6: Apply the 80/20 Rule
You may not want to admit it, but the majority of clothes you have probably go unworn. It's said that the average American only wears 10 to 20 percent of their clothes. To cut down on the fluff, remove items you haven't worn in a year.

Step 7: Put One In; Take One Out
For each new item you buy to put in your closet, donate one item.

Step 8: Keep It Going
Dedicate 15 minutes a week to straightening your closet after the "big clean". Spending this small amount of time will ensure you never have to go through a major de-clutter again.

Step 9: Reward Yourself
Recognize and celebrate what you've done. Treat yourself to some new hangers or buy that silk blouse you've been eyeing. Now, you actually have room for it!

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